Today I slept in again – shortly after I got up everyone (Paddy, Rebekah, and Sebastien) left to make their statements at the police station. When the mail arrived a package cam for me from my grandfather, the new digital camera he purchased for me on a whim. It was an unexpected but very appreciated gift – he's really is the best person I think I know. Waiting for everyone to come home, I cleaned up the kitchen and started listening to Truman Capote's In Cold Blood. It's interesting to listen to this story while reading Capote's biography at the same time. There are some interesting connections between the semi-fictional work and Capote's own life.
Rebekah called me about an hour before they were to come home and asked me to throw together some lunch for them. I checked the fridge and the Dispenser, and decided to make some couscous, homemade tomato sauce, and sliced up some cheese and chorizo, and prepped them on a plate with some tuna and some olives stuffed with anchovies. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal I'd put together, and the sauce actually turned out really well. As per usual, I just added a little of whatever I could find on the spice/herb shelf and through trial and error cooked it up.
After lunch we all ad a short nap, and then took a trip into town to get bread and to check e-mail. I got the unlock code for my cell and so managed to unlock it, so the MoviStar SIM card doesn't demand a code now, but it doesn't get a signal. It seems the only one I can pick up is Orange (another cell service here) so I think I'll have to get an Orange card for it to work. One step at a time, eh? Un poco a poco... (a little by little) seems to be the slogan around here. All in all though it doesn't bother me. I'm much more patient that I think I give off at times, and as long as some progress is being made, regardless of how little, I'm okay with waiting a few days more. Before we came back we stopped at the store and picked up some other groceries, and stopped by a local bar for a beer and a taste of local homemade croquettas. Wow! These were really the best of any of the croquettas that I've had since I've been here.
Rebekah has to go down to Madrid on Monday and then catch a flight out of Spain early Tuesday morning, and Paddy and I are both considering going along with her. There I can hopefully connect with one of a couple people I know in Madrid so I have a place to stay as well as someone to show me around the city. If nothing else comes of my playing around with my cell I can hook up with a good friend of Rebekah's, Jeremy, who is a US'er who lives in Madrid and dallies in cells amongst other areas of technology. No problemo.
For dinner we were treated to a meal prepared by Sebastien, an old Spanish stand-by, the Tortilla. Now in Spain, tortilla is not a flat flour or corn bread product that you make fajitas and burritos with. That's a Mexican tortilla. For reasons unknown to me, a Spanish tortilla is actually a thick round omelet like dish. Most often it's just egg and diced potatoes cooked to look like a thick pancake. Often though there are other ingredients, and Sebastien's tortilla was filled with ham, onion, peppers, and potatoes. It was excellent, and tasted so fresh. Who would have though that a simple omelet could make such a great dish for dinner of all things?! After dinner I finally was able to copy music from my iPod to Reb's Mac. I found a nifty little program while in town a couple days ago and it worked just swell.
That's all I've got for today. Poco a poco. I really do love it here.
Buenas noches!
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