Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sylvia Brown and the Dastardly Case of the Lost Bike

First off, I don't know who the hell Sylvia Brown is. Just read.

I got up today and went into the kitchen to find Rebekah and Paddy. Had some coffee and talked for a bit. It seems Sebastien finally came home last night – or this morning rather – a t about 5:00am. However the bike was no where to be seen. Today is his birthday.

While the two of them took Una for her morning walk I finished eating some bread then took a shower and got dressed to go to mass after they returned. Once they were back and ready, Sebastien came into the kitchen. Paddy asked him where the bike was and his initial response was something along the lines of a shocked, “Oh my god.” He said he'd left it somewhere in Sahagun the night before, but that he would go into town to get it today.

So the three of us, sans Sebastien, went to Mass to discover that we were the only ones without a bit of a tree or bush – Psalm Sunday. Everyone had an assortment of olive, grape, rosemary, and pine boughs, and they were all nice enough to offer us a piece off their own Psalm. I got an olive branch, at least I think that's what it is, from Modesto. The priest arrived and we all stood outside while he blessed the Psalms, shaking holy water at the group. The Mass itself was nice. Some pilgs stopped in to participate, and afterwards one of the German men had forgotten his walking stick inside. We had to get the key to the doors from Julia's father. On the way back home we stopped to drop off the keys and had a nice chat with Julia and her family. They have a floor warmer under one of their rooms, which is seemingly common around here. Paddy and Rebekah call it a Gloria, though theirs doesn't work, but instead smoke seeps up through the kitchen tiles. Julia's mother was tending the flames, and it was really quite a roaring fire. Also she made Rebekah speak Castillian inside the house when talking with Julia. It's good practice, and Reb says she thinks being away has actually improved her Spanish.

Back home I prepared a sort of Ensaladilla Rusa for our lunch, and we were greeted by a note from Sebastien saying that he'd gone to live in the yurt at James' place. The salad was nice, especially in light of the fact that we didn't have much around to actually prepare in line of food.

After eating we all sat around for a while reading and talking. Rebekah then came in to unpack her bags and I decided that I should probably pack my sack that I'm taking on the Camino. Got everything I'm going to need in it, and it only weighs 8 kilos. Reb says that's pretty damn good.

James and Marianne showed up to celebrate Sebastien's birthday but he wasn't anywhere around. We assumed he had stayed in Sahagun once he'd gone in to get the bike. James went looking for him and found him tipsy, embarrassed, and sad in the yurt. It seems he got news that his ex-girlfriend has a new boyfriend, so he's depressed about that, and additionally he'd lost the bike and didn't want to face Paddy. James called to relay the situation, Paddy was irritated, but Rebekah told him to chill out. James came back then he and Rebekah decided to go over and get Sebastien and try to cheer him up a bit, as after all it was his birthday. James told Reb that he'd driven to the Irish pub in Sahagun to see if Sebastien was there, but that they didn't know where he was and also said Sebastien was banned from coming in ever again. Shenanigans.

Sebastien came over to the house and apologized for losing the bike. We had some wine then after James and Marianne left with the kids had a simple meal of spaghetti with pesto. Tomorrow we're going into town to do a major shop. Sebastien ended up sleeping in the house tonight, and after dinner we've all gone to bed. Good night.

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